How Much do Cell Tower Lease Consultant Services Cost?

What Do Our Services Cost

Our Fees

Our compensation is “success based,” which means that you do not pay us a dime unless you benefit from our efforts.  We have many different ways that we can help landlords like you—and never charge for consultations—because we understand you make the best decisions when you are informed of all your options.

Everything CellWaves does is based on monetary results —results that deliver great monetary value for our clients and at the best terms to protect their long-term property interests. 

Whether we spend a week negotiating your new tower or rooftop lease, or years marketing your rooftop for cell site placements, we charge nothing unless we can make you money,   Check out our fees for negotiating new cell towers or rooftop leases.

Be Ware of Cheap Consultants

What may take us weeks to negotiate, a consultant offering to charge $1,000 to review your lease is bad news for you.  Be ware of consultants who advertise $500 or $1,000 lease reviews.  They will read your lease and charge you money.  Then each time you ask them a question, you pay another $1,000.  By the time you are done, you are out $20,000 and the lease may not be signed.  Worse yet, the tower may never be built.  Your interest and the consultant’s interests are not aligned.  He does not care about the tower getting built.  He just wants to bill you for each task he does for you.  Worse yet, he will bill you for doing an analysis that you did not ask him to do for you.  Run away from these consultants.  Hire Cellwaves today and you will see our value.

We look forward to discussing your lease. Our expert negotiator has helped property owners with almost every possible cell site lease issue. We have been in the industry for a combined seventy-five years . Call us today to learn more about how we can help you.