After holding your lease for a certain amount of time, you may be approached about a buyout of your lease. You also may be looking to generate some extra income quickly to eliminate technology and corporate merger risks that could end your monthly cell site income. You can do this by selling your lease through a buyout. A buyout simply means that you sell your right to collect future rent on your cell tower in exchange for a single lump payment today. There are many different factors that you need to consider when it comes to a buyout.
There are many reasons why you should, and should not, consider selling your wireless lease today through a buyout. Selling your lease is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all wireless landlords. You should consider both sides of the coin before making any decisions.
Many landlords prefer to receive their income month to month. It is steady and predictable. It is forever as long as the tower lease is around. But some landlords prefer to receive a lump sum payment instead. This payment can help with college funds, retirement, paying mortgage, buying down debts. Whatever the reason, the choice is yours alone to make. Cellwaves can assist with that decision because of tax implications to you. Please call us for free consultation on what we can offer to help you make the best decision for yourself and your family.
Do you plan on owning your property for the next thirty years?
Do you plan to retire in the next ten years?
Could you withstand the risk that the lease will be terminated in the next thirty to ninety days?
Do you need lump sum cash today?
If you contemplate selling your property in the future, consider selling your tower lease first. Besides the real estate property value associated with your land and improvements, your property also has a secondary value as a wireless facility.
At times, wireless facilities such as yours can have a value greater than the land plus improvements originally on the property. Many real estate purchasers fail to understand the true value of a cell site, and they will discount its value in a real estate transaction. This is why it is important that you keep both transactions separate to maximize your returns. Call Cellwaves today and we can help you better understand the value of selling your tower lease separately.
To maximize the value of your lease, we concentrate only on buyers/investors who understand the wireless industry and its solid standing in the American economy. Consumers are more likely to stop paying their mortgage, car, or make credit card payments along with power and water bills before they stop paying their cell phone bills. A smartphone has become essential in everyday life as a convenience, social status symbol, and professional tool as well as an entertainment and personal safety device.
Our investors (cell tower lease buyers) understand the role that cell phones have in American society and the low-risk status of Fortune 500 wireless tenants that they are willing to pay a premium to buyout your lease and wait many years to recover their investments. Because of the low interest rate environment since the 2008 recession, investors are looking for ways to get higher returns for their funds. Buying your tower lease is that one opportunity to investors.
If you need cash today for any reason, there are investors willing to buyout your lease and pay you a lump sum amount. Investors will wait to recover their money over time if they can get a better rate of return on their investment than is currently offered in such income-producing investments as bonds, money market funds, and other diversified real estate investments. They are also willing to assume the risk that a cell site may be terminated for any reason
CellWaves’ history with the industry since its inception allows us to know all the relevant players for the maximum benefit of our clients. We know the investors who are willing to purchase your cell tower lease and connecting them to your transaction. Our fee is nothing until the deal is signed and you are paid. You get the benefit of a professional service in Cellwaves helping you find the right buyer for your tower lease.
While the risk of having your site deactivated by a carrier can be low, it is not zero. It is much the same as having fire insurance on your home even though statistically it is unlikely that your house will be destroyed in a fire. As a landlord, however, you cannot purchase insurance on your revenue stream. If you sell your lease through a buyout, the risk of loss now is on the buyer of your lease. Whatever happens after you receive your lump sum payment is no longer your problem. The buyer will assume the risk that the carrier will terminate the lease anytime in the future using their 30-day termination notice. But why would a carrier terminate their lease with you?
A carrier would do so for one primary reason:
Mergers and Acquisitions: The industry is in constant flux. After many years of consolidation, mergers are still taking place. Sprint recently became 100% owner of Clearwire, causing many of the duplicating Clearwire cell sites to be terminated. AT&T attempted to purchase T-Mobile. This is mostly because the U.S. market is saturated with cell phone users.
Many landlords find that getting a lump sum payment today helps them grow their business or consolidate debt to improve their financial standing. Landlords cannot obtain loans against the future revenue of cell sites because of the 30-day termination clause. Banks refuse to take risks on contracts that carriers can terminate anytime. Therefore, the only source of immediate revenue against the stream of future rent revenue is a buyout your wireless lease.
If you are younger and you do not intend on selling your property in the future, it is highly likely that you will benefit from the full extent of the lease terms for the next fifty years. If you are older, however, and looking to retire or intending to use the funds now while you can, a buyout and taking the lump sum payout may make sense for you. The reality is that if you are fifty-five years old and your lease term extends for thirty years, you would get the full benefit of your lease if you wait for monthly payments when you reach eighty-five. Many of our clients consider the reality of their health, their available time to travel and enjoyment of their freedom, and decide accordingly.
Tax implications are involved when you sell your lease through a buyout.We suggest that our clients consult with their tax professionals to discuss implications to 1031 exchange, capital gains, and other tax consequences involved in all financial transactions.
Like any commodity, price will fluctuate based on a number of factors. Interest rates, available buyers, alternative competing investment vehicles, economic conditions, and real estate pricing all affect what Wall Street buyers are willing to pay for your lease. Since 2011, lease buyout purchases have remained elevated, much in line with national real estate prices in a low interest rate environment. A reduction in real estate value or increased interest rates will certainly have an adverse effect on the price of lease buyouts. Many of our clients want to lock in today’s price while real estate property values are elevated to cash in at all-time high wireless lease prices.
We are the second choice. We are the agent who has access to a network of public and private buyers who will competitively bid for a buyout of your wireless lease. We do not “buy low and sell high.” Because of our established network of buyer connections, even after our commission, we are still able to get you much more money than you would on your own.
Our role in representing you is not limited to just getting you the highest price. Besides getting you the most money for your lease buyout, our expertise, years of experience, and connections in the wireless industry make us an ideal representative to protect your non-financial interests in your cell site lease buyout transactions.
In every buyout transaction, so much more is involved. The terms of purchase vary greatly among purchasers. Payment terms can also be very diverse, as some landlords may prefer a lump sum payment, while others may want to spread the payment over several years. This and many other terms and conditions must be negotiated to deliver the best beneficial results for our landowner clients.
Our clients tell us that having our team guide them through a complex buyout transaction is one of the most valuable aspects of our services. This degree of service is unmatched by our competitors. We are so confident that we will deliver value to our clients that we only charge when we deliver results, and we always put this promise in writing.
So who are the “Choice 1” people? They are those who call you day and night wanting to buy your lease with their lowball offers. Your safest response is to just hang up because we know so many landlords who have sold their leases for less than 50% of market value to these buy-low-sell-high marketers.
In some instances, we will advise our clients not to sell their leases. We do so because it is in the best interest of our clients that some corrections need to be done to their leases before they are sold so that we can get even higher prices. We would inform our clients what needs to be fixed, how we would go about doing it, how long it would take, and how much more we believe the price would be after we make those contractual corrections.
Upon our client’s’ approval, we then contact the appropriate carriers and tower companies and commence buyout negotiations. Again, we never charge a fee unless we deliver meaningful monetary results for our clients.